1. No racist sexist or any offensive remarks to someone if you say anything to anyone that offends them you will be kicked
2. "Leaders" CANNOT kick anyone without proper instruction this is within the leaders of the alliance on that server, Leaders also cannot force members to do anything if you are report to hybrid or Vendatte if on server 6 report to hybrid337
3. No spamming depending on how bad you may be kicked
4. You can be demoted if we feel you are not doing a good job at your position
5. You rank up in the alliance by how well you help the alliance grow
6. No talking bad about the alliance if you are found doing so you will be kicked
7. No harrassing members if you are reported doing so you can be kicked
8. Be active or you will be expelled as well
9. Dont beg for resources just ask and if no one can spare dont constantly ask
10. positions in the alliance are to be held by the most helpful and members that are really proving trustworthy and making the alliance grow
These are the RULES for now if you have anymore mail me on Evony
hybrid Hybrid or hybrid337, or you can mail Vendatte